Nonna's Books
Nonna's Book of Moral Virtues
"Nonna's Book of
Moral Virtues" is a course in the moral virtues, designed to be used by
parents with their young children. The course should take weeks to get
through, depending on the speed at which your children absorb
information -- and, of course, how much time you have as a parent.
The course first covers the idea of
habits, and the moral virtues as habits. It then moves on to explain
the four cardinal virtues -- prudence, fortitude, temperance, justice
-- in
general, including how these virtues are symbolized in art. Each of the
four cardinal virtues -- and all of the
virtues attached to them, from abstinence to religion and everything in
between -- is then explored in detail.
Each section (except the section on chastity) comes with associated
stories from
the Bible, Aesop, and the world of fairy tales and legend to illustrate
the virtue at hand. All of the
stories are contained in the second section of the book; the lessons
will tell you when to jump to them.
Some sections have activities to do -- things like pages to color in;
games to play to illustrate prudence and to help with piety; making
family trees when studying piety; making gratitude trees when studying
gratitude; etc. Some of these games and activities are meant to be
printed out. There are also questions for parents to talk to their
children about, both during the lessons and at the end of most stories.
To get the most out of this course, it's recommended that parents buy,
rent, or borrow Disney's "Pinocchio" (1940) and "Willie Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory" (1971). The book lets you know when to show these
movies to your children. Check with your local library; they're very
likely to have these movies to loan out!
The book, which is 159 printed pages long, is free and in PDF format.
Nonna's Phonics for Children, Book I
This 53-page book teaches your child the names and sounds of the
letters of the alphabet. It is free, and in PDF format.
Nonna's Phonics for Children, Book II
This 64-page book serves as a complete reading course to be used after
alphabet has been learned. It is free, and in PDF format.
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